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Youth Group Reflection


Happy New Year’s Eve! 🎉

2024 has gone by in a flash, and we thought this was the perfect time to reflect on ministry. Today we are focusing on our youth group. Tomorrow we will post about our Sunday ministry!


It’s been a YEAR since we officially launched our youth group!! ✨

January was such a fun month as our teens felt heard and appreciated by getting a special ministry time for themselves.

August we had a missions trip from Jon’s home church come and visit with us.

October begins the kid’s school “Olympics” season. They have soccer and volleyball games throughout the week. To kick it off, they play in a big stadium downtown. During this event we get to see the majority of our ministry kids since they all go to the same school. It’s special for them to see us cheering for them from the bleachers as their class marches through in their new gym uniforms.

Want a description of each photo? It’s at the end of the blog!


  • This coming year we are focusing on our teen leaders in ministry! We have several kids ready to step up and take a bigger role during our Sunday ministry.

  • More financial support. Our ministry is growing and so is our financial needs! Please be praying with us, and consider giving to help us pour into the ministry.

  • New staff to come and work with us! Interns and teams as well. We’d love more people to come alongside us to guide these amazing kids.



January - Youth group doing the final touches on their memory verse banner.

February - Painting day! The kids LOVE step by step painting activities.

March - Playing volleyball in our neighborhood park. Our neighborhood is safe and friendly! We have a 24/7 watch that makes rounds. They are super friendly with our ministry kids as well.

April - Watching a SuperBook episode! These are stories of two kids that learn a lesson from traveling back into Biblical events.

May - Mario Kart! The boys absolutely love playing this game.

June - Showing off one of the step by step paintings!

July - That night’s cooking crew! We eat dinner with the kids every meeting, which is three times a week after school.

August - Our last night with the mission team.

September - Game night!

October - Stadium day

November - This is Ney’s birthday cake that Ashley made!

December - There was a frosting battle 😂



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