We have several rules in ministry that we’ve set over the years to help create a kind and supportive environment for the kids. The biggest one is we have to act with love and encouragement.
Amor (love) and Animo (encouragement)
Those words are spoken the most in ministry! It’s not only us leaders who enforce the rule, but you can hear the kids say “¡oye, habla con amor y animo!” (“Hey, speak with love and encouragement!”)

Something that is really important to us is the kids learning to apologize. It teaches them that asking for forgiveness isn’t shameful, but something you do in love to repair any harm you’ve done to someone else.
We were surprised, early on, to learn that many of the kids had never apologized for anything in their life. Now, as new kids join our ministry, most of them experience the new feeling of asking for forgiveness.

This year we’ve had two new boys in youth group who were really impacted by apologizing. They were surprised to learn they should apologize, but more so surprised by how much relief they felt after they did so. One of the boys didn’t know that people apologized unless it was when your cranky grandma made you apologize to her (his words 😂)

A great way to partner with us is to keep the kids and teens in your prayers! They are learning how to make the world a kinder place for the next generations. 🤍